Diving animals - BS Toys

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Delivered home the 16/04
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"Develop your underwater skills with this set of neoprene animals!Contents:- 3 neoprene animals...

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Delivered home the 16/04
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Product description : Diving animals

"Develop your underwater skills with this set of neoprene animals!

- 3 neoprene animals (1 starfish, 1 fish, 1 seahorse)

With these shimmeringly colored marine animals, you will be able to practice diving in the pool, in your bath, with your friends!

1, 2, 3 splash! The first person to put them back together wins!

And nothing stops you from creating your own rules to make the game even more fun!

Their bright colors will allow you to quickly find these mischievous animals and bring them back to the bank in no time!

Not suitable for children under 3 years old.
To be used under the supervision of experienced swimmers.

Number of players: 1 to 3 players."
  • Reference BsJeux-GA173
  • Brand BS Toys
  • Product code ART0000164634
  • Recommended age From 3 to 10 years
  • Materials Recycled materials , Sustainable materials
  • Packaging dimension 21 x 16 x 7 cm
  • Weight 470 g
  • Safety Attention ! A n'utiliser qu'en eau où l'enfant a pied et sous la surveillance d'un adulte
14€99 Home delivery Estimated delivery between
the 16/04 and the 18/04
Home express delivery
21€99 Express delivery
at your address
Estimated delivery between
the 15/04 and the 16/04

* Charges calculated for a delivery in France.

BS Toys alias Buitenspeel, travaille avec plein d'enthousiasme pour créer des jeux et jouets de plein air. La marque s'attache à permettre aux petits comme aux grands de jouer avec beaucoup de plaisir. Philosophie : jouer dehors fait partie de toutes les générations et garantit un plaisir maximum ! Pour cela, elle propose des jeux d'adresse de type jeux de quilles, jeux de cricket, des jeux traditionnels géants comme le mikado et le domino, mais aussi des tentes et tipis pour que tout le monde puisse s'occuper et s'amuser en extérieur.

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