The wooden Wheel of Actions - BS Toys

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Discover the wooden action wheel from the BS Jeux brandSpin the big wheel to see which...

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Product description : The wooden Wheel of Actions

Discover the wooden action wheel from the BS Jeux brand

Spin the big wheel to see which action everyone must mime. Some require balance, some are fun, and some are a little difficult, but all are great fun!  

This is a true 2 in 1 game. You can turn the board over for more games!

Play with side 1: turn the wheel and mime the actions you come across. But there are also special boxes! 

Yellow Star: Choose any action on the board.
Question mark: Choose someone to do an action of their choice.
Circular arrow: Turn again and start playing in the opposite direction.
Blue star: Invent your own action that all the world will be able to copy

Play with side 2: You have 20 squares that you personalize. You decide before the game begins which square each action you invent corresponds to. You can therefore invent new actions each time you play.

It is therefore possible to play with this board endlessly and at any age!

Suitable for children from 3 years old.

14€99 Home delivery Estimated delivery between
the 21/03 and the 24/03
Home express delivery
21€99 Express delivery
at your address
Estimated delivery between
the 20/03 and the 21/03

* Charges calculated for a delivery in France.

BS Toys alias Buitenspeel, travaille avec plein d'enthousiasme pour créer des jeux et jouets de plein air. La marque s'attache à permettre aux petits comme aux grands de jouer avec beaucoup de plaisir. Philosophie : jouer dehors fait partie de toutes les générations et garantit un plaisir maximum ! Pour cela, elle propose des jeux d'adresse de type jeux de quilles, jeux de cricket, des jeux traditionnels géants comme le mikado et le domino, mais aussi des tentes et tipis pour que tout le monde puisse s'occuper et s'amuser en extérieur.

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