Turn everything upside down - BS Toys

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The fair atmosphere invites itself into your garden or even into your interior with this traditional...

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Product description : Turn everything upside down

The fair atmosphere invites itself into your garden or even into your interior with this traditional game of skill. The chamboule-tout is indeed a classic of the genre and will be perfect for bringing together young and old through a simple and fun activity. This game set consists of 10 red metal boxes numbered from 1 to 10 and 3 colored throwing bags, red, blue and orange. To start the game, place the cylindrical boxes in a pyramid with boxes 7,8, 9 and 10 at the base and 1 at the top, the goal being to throw the bags to knock them over. Score points by knocking over the most boxes. Maybe you'll be strong enough to topple everything in a single throw? This game can be played from 3 years old indoors or outdoors. Dimensions of the game box: 39 x 22 x 7 cm.
chamboule tout
Par the 23/04/2017 08:57:33


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Par the 29/11/2016 09:02:13

Facile, ludique peu encombrant, je recommande ce jeu.

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16€99 Home delivery Estimated delivery between
the 20/03 and the 22/03
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the 19/03 and the 20/03

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BS Toys alias Buitenspeel, travaille avec plein d'enthousiasme pour créer des jeux et jouets de plein air. La marque s'attache à permettre aux petits comme aux grands de jouer avec beaucoup de plaisir. Philosophie : jouer dehors fait partie de toutes les générations et garantit un plaisir maximum ! Pour cela, elle propose des jeux d'adresse de type jeux de quilles, jeux de cricket, des jeux traditionnels géants comme le mikado et le domino, mais aussi des tentes et tipis pour que tout le monde puisse s'occuper et s'amuser en extérieur.

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