Caroline 30 cm cuddly baby doll - Corolle

Recommended from 18 months
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Delivered home the 07/04
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Baby Calin Caroline is a small 30 cm baby doll, the size perfectly adapted to the small arms and hands...

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Delivered within 15 days after your order
Delivered home the 07/04
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Product description : Caroline 30 cm cuddly baby doll

Baby Calin Caroline is a small 30 cm baby doll, the size perfectly adapted to the small arms and hands of the child to handle it.
Its soft body allows it to take the same positions as a real baby. Its face, arms and legs, with the delicate scent of vanilla, are made of soft-touch vinyl. With its sleeping eyes, it sleeps when you lay it on its back.
Baby Calin Caroline is a small baby doll with dark skin, hazel eyes and curly black hair.

It is dressed in a sportswear outfit consisting of a soft plush sweatshirt with a pretty embroidered teddy bear head and patterned leggings. Baby Calin Caroline wears a headband in its curly hair. Once you have removed his clothes, you can discover the unique fabric with floral patterns on his body canvas.
This baby doll comes with two accessories: his pacifier and his bottle, allowing you to take good care of him.
Bébé Calin Caroline has a varied collection of clothes and accessories in the my first Corolle baby doll range to babysit for the first time. From 18 months.

  • Reference Corolle-9000100820
  • Brand Corolle
  • Product code ART0000400756
  • Recommended age From 18 months to 5 years
  • Safety Attention ! Ne peut être utilisé par des enfants de moins de 18 mois
14€99 Home delivery Estimated delivery between
the 07/04 and the 09/04
Home express delivery
21€99 Express delivery
at your address
Estimated delivery between
the 05/04 and the 07/04

* Charges calculated for a delivery in France.