Puzzle of 50 to 150 pieces: 4 puzzles: Disney Classics - Educa

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"Immerse yourself in the Disney universe through 4 of the greatest classics from these famous studios....

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Product description : Puzzle of 50 to 150 pieces: 4 puzzles: Disney Classics

"Immerse yourself in the Disney universe through 4 of the greatest classics from these famous studios. Discover illustrations of Mowgli and his companion Baloo, Alice and her sidekicks, 101 Dalmatians and even Peter Pan.

These 4 cardboard puzzles from the Educa brand are made in Spain and have a Disney theme. Made up of 50, 80, 100 and 150 pieces each, they are easy to make and will therefore be suitable for those over 5 years old. In landscape format, once assembled they measure 34 cm in length and 24 cm in width."
Par the 17/11/2019 19:53:39

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La société Educa Borras S.A. est née de la fusion en 2001 de deux grands noms du marché des puzzles et des jouets (Borras Plana fondée en 1894 et Educa Sallent fondée en 1967) qui totalisent à eux deux plus de 150 années d'expériences et de succès dans le monde du jeu. La totalité des puzzles et 85% du reste des produits sont fabriqués à Barcelone.

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