Gardening kit: Carnivorous plant seeds - To grow - Radis et Capucine

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New experience, grow carnivorous plants!Carnivorous plants are plants that attract and eat...

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Product description : Gardening kit: Carnivorous plant seeds - To grow

New experience, grow carnivorous plants!

Carnivorous plants are plants that attract and eat insects. Cultivation is done in pots, with heat and humidity, and indoors. You too, grow your carnivorous plant in your room and see how it will behave with flies and spiders.

Do you know about fly traps? This carnivorous plant attracts flies and insects into its jaws and then manages to snap them shut in a flash. This small plant from acidic and poor soils (marshes or burned lands) needs water and heat. It grows in spring and rests in winter like many plants. To facilitate cultivation, make a small bell with a cut and inverted bottle, like a plastic greenhouse to concentrate the heat and humidity around the small seeds.

- Pot and cup in terracotta of 8 cm in diameter
- 1 strip of coconut soil of 6 cm to rehydrate in a little lukewarm water
- 1 sachet of 10 seeds of carnivorous sarracenia plants to sow

< p>TIP: In winter, if the carnivorous flytrap plant sarracenia has its leaves down, don't worry, it rests and will come back stronger in spring. The growth of the sarracenia takes place mainly in spring until the arrival of winter (from March to October), a period during which it rests (jaw down). Its flowering (white flowers) begins in late spring to early summer and its lifespan is approximately 20 years under natural conditions. Sarracenia reproduces by cross-pollination, cuttings and tissue culture.

Also find a whole range of gardening kits on our site.

  • Reference RadisetCapucine-27001
  • Brand Radis et Capucine
  • Product code ART0000194242
  • Recommended age From 5 to 10 years
  • Provenance France - Made in France
  • Article dimension 8,40 x 8,40 x 7,60 cm
  • Packaging dimension 10 x 9 x 9 cm
  • Weight 199 g
  • Safety Attention ! Ne peut être utilisé par des enfants de moins de 5 ans
14€99 Home delivery Estimated delivery between
the 04/02 and the 06/02
Home express delivery
21€99 Express delivery
at your address
Estimated delivery between
the 03/02 and the 04/02

* Charges calculated for a delivery in France.

Radis et Capucine est fabricant depuis plus de 20 ans de pots de culture pour initier ou faire redécouvrir le jardin d’une manière ludique et rigolote. Radis et Capucine conçoit et fabrique en Anjou des pots de culture pour découvrir le jardinage, facilement et pour toute la famille. Semer des plantes aromatiques c'est facile ! Planter des tomates sur son balcon c'est facile aussi !

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